职 称:研究员
先后负责国家自然科学基金5项含国际合作项目1项、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)子课题1项,参加国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、基金委创新群体及陕西省重点领域科技创新团队等项目。在《Nature》、《Science》、《PNAS》、《Nature Communications》、《Gondwana Research》、《eLife》等国内外刊物上发表学术论文160余篇。研究成果获得国家自然科学奖二等奖(第五完成人,项目名称:地球动物树成型)、教育部自然科学奖一等奖(2009年,第三完成人)、教育部 2009年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(一等奖,第三完成人)、第六届中国科协优秀论文(排名第二)、“2013年度中国海洋与湖沼十大科技成果”。两次入选中国古生物学会“中国古生物学十大进展 ”。获第十届陕西省青年科技奖一等奖及陕西省青年科技标兵一等奖。参加多项古生物科普活动,以第一完成人两次入选中国古生物学会“全国地质古生物科普十大进展”。
教育经历 1993年9月至1996年7月在西北大学地质学专业学习,获理学学士学位; 1996年9月至1999年7月在西北大学地质学系古生物学与地层学专业学习,获理学硕士学位 1999年7月至2003年3月在西北大学地质学系古生物学与地层学专业学习,获理学博士学位
工作经历 2003年3月至2007年3月,西北大学地质学系,讲师; 2007年3月至2015年3月,西北大学地质学系,副研究员; 2009年9月至2010年3月,德国哥廷根大学访问学者; 2015年3月至今,西北大学地质学系,研究员。
本科生:《现代地层学》 研究生:《地层学原理》《地层学研究进展》《化石库研究》《古生物学原理》
社会任职 2020 -2022年,陕西省科普“薪火计划”项目特邀科普教育专家组成员 2021年至今,中国古生物学会科普委员会委员 2018年至今:陕西省古生物学会秘书长 2019年10月17日 玉溪师范学院特聘(学科专业指导)教授 论著目录 2024 Chen, A. L., Vannier, J., Guo, J., Wang, D., Gasiorek, P., Han, J., & Ma, W. J. (2024). Molting in early Cambrian armored lobopodians. Communications Biology, 7(1). doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06440-x Hao, W., Han, J., Baliński, A., Brugler, M. R., Wang, D., Wang, X., . . . Song, X. (2024). Unveiling the early evolution of black corals. Communications Biology. Matsu'ura, F., Sawaki, Y., Komiya, T., Han, J., Maruyama, S., Ushikubo, T., . . . Ueno, Y. (2024). Oceanic and Sedimentary Microbial Sulfur Cycling Controlled by Local Organic Matter Flux During the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion in the Three Gorges Area, South China. Geobiology, 22(5). doi:10.1111/gbi.12617 Song, Z., Guo, J., Han, J., Van Iten, H., Peng, J., Qiang, Y., . . . Wen, H. (2024). Phylogenetic affinities and evolution of the Early Cambrian hexangulaconulariids. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 22(1). doi:10.1080/14772019.2024.2417668 Wang, D., Qiang, Y. Q., Guo, J. F., Vannier, J., Song, Z. C., Peng, J. X., . . . Han, J. (2024). Early evolution of the ecdysozoan body plan. eLife, 13. doi:10.7554/eLife.94709 Yang, A., Luo, C., Han, J., Zhuravlev, A. Y., Reitner, J., Sun, H., . . . Hu, S. (2024). Niche expansion of archaeocyaths during their palaeogeographic migration: Evidence from the Chengjiang Biota. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 653. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112419 Yang, X., Wang, D., Zhang, Z., Wang, X., Sun, J., Hao, W., . . . Han, J. (2024). Microbial pseudomorphs of soft-bodied, segmented bilaterians from the basal Cambrian. eLife. doi:10.1101/2024.07.03.601876v1 Yong, Y., Wang, X., Van Iten, H., Bruthansová, J., Wang, D., Yang, X., . . . Han, J. (2024). The transverse disc‐like diaphragm in the basal Cambrian medusozoan Olivooides: its nature, possible functions and evolutionary implications. Papers in Palaeontology, 10(6). doi:10.1002/spp2.1603 Yu, C., Wang, D., & Han, J. (2024). Cambrian palaeoscolecidomorph Cricocosmia caught in the act of moulting. Historical Biology, 1-7. doi:10.1080/08912963.2024.2324427 Yun, H., Zhang, X., Brock, G. A., Han, J., Li, L., Pan, B., . . . Reitner, J. (2024). An extinct clade sister to Eumetazoa: On the phylogeny of the Cambrian chancelloriids. doi:10.1101/2024.07.22.604532 张毅恒, 张涛, 雍媛媛, 鱼驰洋, 肖巨月, 何凯悦, . . . 韩健. (2024). 滨海海底边界层对底栖微体化石仿真模拟的影响. 地学前缘, 31(2), 410-422. doi:10.13745/j.esf.sf.2023.5.32
2023 ZHANG, Y., YUE, N., SUN, J.,YONG, Y., YU, C., HE, K., HAO, W., ZHANG, T., WANG, X., WANG, D., YANG, X., HAN, J., 2023. Fluid-solid coupling simulations of feeding and respiration of early Cambrian cnidarian olivooids. eLife.DOI: 10.1101/2023.07.28.550931 Wang, D., Vannier, J., Sun, J., Yu, C., Han, J., 2023b. A New Chengjiang Worm Sheds Light on the Radiation and Disparity in Early Priapulida. Biology.DOI:10.3390/biology12091242 He, K., Liu, J., Han, J., Ou, Q., Chen, A., Zhang, Z., Fu, D., Hua, H., Zhang, X., Shu, D., 2023. Comment on "Ultrastructure reveals ancestral vertebrate pharyngeal skeleton in yunnanozoans". Science 381, eade9707. 岳宁, 宋祖晨, 王邓, 何凯悦, 雍媛媛, 郝文静, 鱼驰洋, 孙洁, 郭俊锋, 田莹, 韩健, 2023. 陕南寒武系幸运阶宽川铺组软体动物Mediata鳞片状纹饰显微结构. 微体古生物学报 40. 张毅恒, 张涛, 雍媛媛, 鱼驰洋, 肖巨月, 何凯悦, 王邓, 王星, 王宾, 杨晓光, 韩健, 2023. 滨海海底边界层对底栖微体化石仿真模拟的影响. 地学前缘. Qiang, Y., Peng, J., Song, Z., Sun, J., Zhao, X., Li, G., Han, J., Guo, J., 2023. Early Cambrian Anabarella plana from Three Gorges area, South China. Frontiers in Earth Science 10. Song, Z., Guo, J., Han, J., Van Iten, H., Qiang, Y., Peng, J., Sun, J., Zheng, Y., Huang, X., Zhang, Z., 2023. A new species of Decimoconularia (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) from the Lower Cambrian of South China. Frontiers in Earth Science 10. Wang, B., Sun, R., Yang, X., Niu, B., Zhang, T., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Han, J., 2023. Recognition of Rare Microfossils Using Transfer Learning and Deep Residual Networks. Biology (Basel) 12. 2022 鱼驰洋, 王邓, 雍媛媛, 唐清钦, 郝文静, 孙洁, 杨晓光, 何凯悦, 岳宁, 韩健: 寒武纪初期宽川铺生物群 Eopriapulites sphinx 的蜕皮行为. 微体古生物学报 2022. 雍媛媛, 彭佳欣, 王星, 鱼驰洋, 郝文静, 孙洁, 郭俊锋, 韩健: 陕南寒武系宽川铺组刺胞动物八叶塔形壳属 新种的发现. 微体古生物学报 2022, 39(3):223–234(通讯作者). Song,Zuchen, Guo,Junfeng, Pan,Bing, Qiang,Yaqin, Li,Guoxiang, Peng,Jiaxin, Sun,Jie, Han,Jian: Ocruranus–Eohalobia sclerites from the Cambrian Stage 2 Yanjiahe Formation in South China: Scleritome Reconstruction and Zoological Affinity. Biology 2022, 11:1648. Liu P, Zhang Y, Yang X, Wang B, Zhang T, Sun J, Tang Q, He K, Hao W, Yue N et al: Hydrodynamic simulations of millimeter‐scale Cambrian sedentary medusozoans. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 2022. 程美蓉, 韩健, 欧强, 姚肖永, 2022. 北海探鲎. 生物进化 2, 26-33. 王邓, 韩健, 2022. “围城”内外的寒武纪管栖鳃曳动物. 生物进化 2, 34-36. Tang, Q., Zheng, Y., Qin, S., Wang, Y., Yang, X., Wang, X., Sun, J., Uesugi, K., Komiya, T., Han, J., 2022. New materials of multicellular algae from the earliest Cambrian Kuanchuanpu biota in South China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67, 317–327. Li, H., Zhang, S., Han, J., Zhong, T., Ding, J., Wu, H., Liu, P., Dong, J., Zhang, Z., Yang, T., Jiang, G., 2022. Astrochronologic calibration of the Shuram carbon isotope excursion with new data from South China. Global and Planetary Change 209, 103749. Wang, X., Vannier, J., Yang, X., Leclere, L., Ou, Q., Song, X., Komiya, T., Han, J., 2022. Muscle systems and motility of early animals highlighted by cnidarians from the basal Cambrian. eLife 11(通讯作者). Wang, C., Evans, D.A.D., Li, M., Zhang, J.-H., Han, J., Wen, B., Wang, J., Zhao, J.-F., 2022. Proterozoic-Mesozoic development of the Quanji block from northern Tibet and the cratonic assembly of eastern Asia. American Journal of Science 322, 705-727.
2021 Song, X., Lyu, M., Zhang, X., Ruthensteiner, B., Ahn, I.-Y., Pastorino, G., Wang, Y., Gu, Y., Ta, K., Sun, J., Liu, X., Han, J., Ke, C., Peng, X., 2021a. Large Plastic Debris Dumps: New Biodiversity Hot Spots Emerging on the Deep-Sea Floor. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 8, 148-154. Wang, D., Vannier, J., Aria, C., Sun, J., Han, J., 2021. Tube-dwelling in early animals exemplified by Cambrian scalidophoran worms. Bmc Biology 19, 243. (通讯作者). Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., Ma, J., Taylor, P.D., Strotz, L.C., Jacquet, S.M., Skovsted, C.B., Chen, F., Han, J., Brock, G.A., 2021. Fossil evidence unveils an early Cambrian origin for Bryozoa. Nature 599, 251-255. Song, X., Ruthensteiner, B., Lyu, M., Liu, X., Wang, J., Han, J., 2021b. Advanced Cambrian hydroid fossils (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) extend the medusozoan evolutionary history. Proc Biol Sci 288, 20202939. Guo, J., Han, J., Iten, H.V., Song, Z., Qiang, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Li, G., 2021. A ten-faced hexangulaconulariid from Cambrian Stage 2 of South China. Journal of Paleontology, 95(5), 957-964.(通讯作者). Zheng, Y., Tang, Q., Liu, P., Sun, J., Yao, X., Hao, W., Yang, X., Guo, J., Uesugi, K., Komiya, T., Han, J., 2021. Characterization of the multicellular membrane-bearing algae from the Kuanchuanpu Biota (Cambrian: Terreneuvian). Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126, e2020JG006102(通讯作者). Zhang, Z., Zhang, Z., Ma, J., Taylor, P.D., Strotz, L.C., Jacquet, S.M., Skovsted, C.B., Chen, F., Han, J., Brock, G.A., 2021. Fossil evidence unveils an early Cambrian origin for Bryozoa. Nature 599, 251-255 Ou, Q., Shu, D., Zhang, Z., Han, J., Iten, H.V., Cheng, M., Sun, J., Yao, X., Wang, R., Mayer, G., 2021. The dawn of complex animal food webs: a new predatory anthozoan (Cnidaria) from the Cambrian of China. The Innovations. 1(3):10095
2020 Guo, J.-F., Li, G.-X., Qiang, Y.-Q., Song, Z.-C., Zhang, Z.-F., Han, J., Wang, W.-Z., 2020a. Watsonella crosbyi from the lower Cambrian (Terreneuvian, Stage 2) Yanjiahe Formation in Three Gorges Area, South China. Palaeoworld. Guo, J., Han, J., Iten, H.V., Wang, X., Qiang, Y., Song, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Li, G., 2020b. A fourteen-faced hexangulaconulariid from the early Cambrian (Stage 2) Yanjiahe Formation, South China. Journal of Paleontology 94, 45-55. (通讯作者) Guo, J., Han, J., Iten, H.V., Wang, X., Qiang, Y., Song, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Li, G., 2020c. A new tetraradial olivooid (Medusozoa) from the Lower Cambrian (Stage 2) Yanjiahe Formation, South China. Journal of Paleontology. (通讯作者) Ou, Q., Vannier, J., Yang, X., Chen, A., Mai, H., Shu, D., Han, J., Fu, D., Wang, R., Mayer, G., 2020. Evolutionary trade-off in reproduction of Cambrian arthropods. Science Advances 6, eaaz3376. Wang, D., Vannier, J., Yang, X.-g., Sun, J., Sun, Y.-f., Hao, W.-j., Tang, Q.-q., Liu, P., Han, J., 2020. Cuticular reticulation replicates epidermal cells pattern in lowermost Cambrian scalidophoran worms. Proc. R. Soc. B. (通讯作者) Wang, X., Han, J., 2020. An intermediate type of medusa from the early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation, South China. Palaeontology. DOI:10.1111/pala.12483(通讯作者) Zhang, T., Wang, B., Li, D., Niu, B., Sun, J., Sun, Y., Yang, X., Luo, J., Han, J., 2020. Artificial intelligence identification of multiple microfossils from the Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation in Southern Shaanxi, China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 94, 189–197. 郭俊锋, 强亚琴, 韩健, 宋祖晨, 王文哲, 张志飞, 2020. 三峡地区寒武系纽芬兰统岩家河组小壳化石研究进展. 地学前缘. 韩健, 郭俊锋, 欧强, 宋祖晨, 刘平, 郝文静, 洁, 孙, 星, 王., 2020. 华南寒武纪早期刺胞动物演化框架. 地学前缘 27, 26-37. 舒德干, 健, 韩, 2020. 澄江动物群的核心价值:动物界成型和人类基础器官诞生. 地学前缘 27. (通讯作者) 2019
Feng, J., Liu, Z., Feng, H., Sutcliffe, R. F. E. And Han, J. L. J. 2019. A New Phylogenetic Inference Based on Genetic Attribute Reduction for Morphological Data. Entropy, 21, 1-17. Guo, J., Han, J., Iten, H. V., Wang, X., Qiang, Y., Song, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, Z. And Li, G. 2019. A fourteen-faced hexangulaconulariid from the early Cambrian (Stage 2) Yanjiahe Formation, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 94(1):45-55 (通讯作者) Han, J., Conway Morris, S., Hoyal Cuthill, J. F. And Shu, D. 2019. Sclerite-bearing annelids from the lower Cambrian of South China. Scientific Reports, 9. Nishizawa, M., Tsuchiya, Y., Du, W., Sawaki, Y., Matsui, Y., Wang, Y., Han, J. And Komiya, T. 2019. Shift in limiting nutrients in the late Ediacaran–early Cambrian marine systems of South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 530, 281-299. Wang, D., Vannier, J., Schumann, I., Wang, X., Yang, X.-G., Komiya, T., Uesugi, K., Sun, J. And Han, J. 2019 Origin of ecdysis: fossil evidence from 535-million-year-old scalidophoran worms. Proc. R. Soc. B, 286, 20190791. (通讯作者) 程美蓉, 韩健, 欧强, 张志飞, 郭进, AND 张兴亮. 2019. 寒武纪早期澄江生物群中受创伤的中间型始莱德利基三叶虫(Eoredlichia intermedia). 古生物学报, 58(4). 张涛, 雷丹博, 王宾, 牛犇, 杨晓光,韩健 2019. 陕南寒武系底部宽川铺组微体化石人工智能识别. 古生物学报, 58, 141-151. (通讯作者)
Han, J., Li, G., Wang, X., Yang, X., Guo, J., Sasaki, O. And Komiya, T. 2018. Olivooides-like tube aperture in Early Cambrian carinachitids (Medusozoa, Cnidaria). Journal of Paleontology, 92, 3-13. Hoyal Cuthill, J. F., Han, J. And Álvaro, J. 2018. Cambrian petalonamid Stromatoveris phylogenetically links Ediacaran biota to later animals. Palaeontology. 61(6): 813-823b. Sawaki, Y., Tahata, M., Komiya, T., Hirata, T., Han, J. And Shu, D. 2018. Redox history of the Three Gorges region during the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian as indicated by the Fe isotope. Geoscience Frontiers, 9, 155-172.
Hu, S., Erdtmann, B.-D., Steiner, M., Zhang, Y., Zhao, F., Zhang, Z. And Han, J. 2017. Malongitubus: a possible pterobranch hemichordate from the early Cambrian of South China. Journal of Paleontology, 92, 26-32. Ou, Q., Han, J., Zhang, Z., Shu, D., Sun, G. And Mayer, G. 2017. Three Cambrian fossils assembled into an extinct body plan of cnidarian affinity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114, 8835-8840. Shu, D., Conway Morris, S., Han, J., Hoyal Cuthill, J. F., Zhang, Z., Cheng, M., Huang, H. And Zhang, X.-G. 2017. Multi-jawed chaetognaths from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte (Cambrian, Series 2, Stage 3) of Yunnan, China. Palaeontology, 60, 763-772. Wang, X., Han, J., Vannier, J., Ou, Q., Yang, X., Uesugi, K., Sasaki, O., Komiya, T. And Sevastopulo, G. 2017. Anatomy and affinities of a new 535-million-year-old medusozoan from the Kuanchuanpu Formation, South China. Palaeontology, 60, 853-867. (通讯作者) Yang, X. And Han, J. 2017. Ambient inclusion trails and microboring structures on Early Cambrian microfossils. Chinese Science Bulletin, 62, 4179-4188. Yang, X.-G., Han, J., Wang, X., Schiffbauer, J. D., Uesugi, K., Sasaki, O. And Komiya, T. 2017. Euendoliths versus ambient inclusion trails from early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. (通讯作者) Yao, X., Zheng, Y., Han, J. And Guo, J. F. 2017. The stellate cuticle of embryo fossils from the Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 56, 449-460 (In Chinese). Zhang, J., Hao, X., Hu, Y., Yang, X.-G., Wang, X., Yao, X.-Y., Shen, Y. And Han, J. 2017. A spherical hat-shaped organism from the Lower Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 56, 415-424 (In Chinese) (通讯作者). Zheng, Y., Yao, X., Han, J. And Guo, J. F. 2017. Microscopic fossils with multi-level tetrad cell structures from the Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation in south Shaanxi. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 56, 440-448 (In Chinese). 韩健; *Simon Conway Morris; Qiang Ou; *Degan Shu; Hai Huang, Meiofaunal deuterostomes from the basal Cambrian of Shaanxi (China), Nature, 542卷, pp 228-231, 2017/2/9. 韩健; *Yaoping Cai; Schiffbauer, J.D.; Hua, H.; Wang, X.; Yang, X.; Uesugi, K.; Komiya, T.; Sun, J., A Cloudina-like fossil with evidence of asexualreproduction from the earliest Cambrian, South China, Geological Magazine, 154(3), pp 1-12, 2017/1/9.
2016 Sato, Hisatoshi; Tahata, Miyuki; Sawaki, Yusuke; Maruyama, Shigenori; Yoshida, Naohiro; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Li, Yong; *Komiya, Tsuyoshi, A high-resolution chemostratigraphy of post-Marinoan Cap Carbonate using drill core samples in the Three Gorges area, South China, Geoscience Frontiers, 7(4), pp 663-671, 2016/7. *Han, Jian; Hu, Shixue; Cartwright, Paulyn; Zhao, Fangchen; Ou, Qiang; Kubota, Shin; Wang, Xing; Yang, Xiaoguang, The earliest pelagic jellyfish with rhopalia from Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte (vol 449, pg 166, 2016), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 451卷, p 227, 2016/6/1. 韩健; *张兴亮; Tsuyoshi Komiya, Integratedevolution of cnidarians and oceanic geochemistry before and during the Cambrian explosion, " The Cnidaria, past, present and future: The world of Medusa and her sisters, Stefano Goffredo, and Zvy Dubinsky, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 201, Switzerland, 2016/10/11. *韩健; 胡世学; Paulyn Cartwright; 赵方臣; 欧强; Shin Kubota; 王星; 杨晓光, 澄江化石库中发现最古老的浮游的带感觉棒的水母化石, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 449卷, pp 166-173, 2016/2/28. *Han Jian; Li Guoxiang; Kubota Shin; Ou Qiang; Toshino Sho; Wang Xing; Yang Xiaoguang; Uesugi Kentaro; Masato Hoshino; Sasaki Osamu; Kano Harumasa; Sato Tomohiko; Komiya Tsuyoshi, Internal microanatomy and zoological affinity of the early Cambrian Olivooides, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 90(1), pp 38-65, 2016/2 2. *Han Jian; Shin Kubota; Li Guoxiang; Ou Qiang; Wang Xing; Yao Xiaoyong; Shu Degan; Li Yong; Kentaro Uesugi; Masato Hoshino; Osamu Sasaki; Harumasa Kano; Tomohiko Sato……, Divergent evolution of medusozoan symmetric patterns: Evidence from the microanatomy of Cambrian tetramerous cubozoans from South China, Gondwana Research, 31卷, pp 150-163, 2016/1 1. 欧强; 韩健, “刚柔并济”的寒武纪小精灵, 生物进化, 01期, pp 22-29, 2016/3/15.
*Ou Qiang; Xiao Shuhai; Han Jian; Sun Ge; Zhang Fang; Zhang Zhifei; Shu Degan, A Vanished History of Skeletonization in Cambrian Comb Jellies, Science Advances, 1(6), pp e1500092:1-8, 2015/7/1.
*韩健; 李国祥; 久保田信; 王星; 欧强, 寒武纪水母化石研究现状与展望, 自然杂志, 36(1), pp 24-33, 2014/2/25. *罗惠麟; 胡世学; 韩健; 张世山; 詹冬琴; 卢玉喜; 姚肖永, 云南晋宁梅树村剖面古蠕虫再研究, 西北大学学报( 自然科学版), 44(6), pp 947-953, 2014/12. Ishikawa, Tomoko; Ueno, Yuichiro; Shu, Degan; Li, Yong; Han, Jian; Guo, Junfeng; Yoshida, Naohiro; Maruyama, Shigenori; *Komiya, Tsuyoshi, The delta C-13 excursions spanning the Cambrian explosion to the Canglangpuian mass extinction in the Three Gorges area, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1045-1056, 2014/4. Kentaro Yamada; Yuichiro Ueno; Keita Yamada; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Jian Han; Degan Shu; Naohiro Yoshida; Shigenori Maruyama, Molecular fossils extracted from the Early Cambrian section in the Three Gorges area, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1108-1119, 2014/4. Kikumoto, Ryohei; Tahata, Miyuki; Nishizawa, Manabu; Sawaki, Yusuke; Maruyama, Shigenori; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Komiya, Tsuyoshi; Takai, Ken; *Ueno, Yuichiro, Nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian platform sequence at Three Gorges, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1057-1069, 2014/4. Motoko Igisu; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Mika Kawashima; Satoru Nakashima; Yuichiro Ueno; Jian Han; Degan Shu; Yong Li; Junfeng Guo; Shigenori Maruyama; Ken Takai, FTIR microspectroscopy of Ediacaran phosphatized microfossils from the Doushantuo Formation, Weng'an, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1120-1138, 2014/4. Qian-Ping Lei; Jian Han; Qiang Ou; Xiao-Qiao Wan, Sedentary habits of anthozoa-like animals in the Chengjiang Lagerstätte: Adaptive strategies for Phanerozoic-style soft substrates, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 966-974, 2014/4. Ryohei Kikumoto; Miyuki Tahata; Manabu Nishizawa; Yusuke Sawaki; Shigenori Maruyama; Degan Shu; Jian Han; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Ken Takai; Yuichiro Ueno, Nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran and Early Cambrian platform sequence at Three Gorges, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1057-1069, 2014/4. Shu, Degan; *Isozaki, Yukio; Zhang, Xingliang; Han, Jan; Maruyama, Shigenori, Birth and early evolution of metazoans, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 884-895, 2014/4. Takashi Shimura; Yoshiaki Kon; Yusuke Sawaki; Takafumi Hirata; Jian Han; Degan Shu; Tsuyoshi Komiya, In-situ analyses of phosphorus contents of carbonate minerals: Reconstruction of phosphorus contents of seawater from the Ediacaran to early Cambrian, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1090-1107, 2014/4. Tomoko Ishikawa; Yuichiro Ueno; Degan Shu; Yong Li; Jian Han; Junfeng Guo; Naohiro Yoshida; Shigenori Maruyama; Tsuyoshi Komiya, The δ13C excursions spanning the Cambrian explosion to the Canglangpuian mass extinction in the Three Gorges area, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1045-1056, 2014/4. Xingliang Zhang; Degan Shu; Jian Han; Zhifei Zhang; Jianni Liu; Dongjing Fu, Triggers for the Cambrian explosion: Hypotheses and problems, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 896-909, 2014/4. Yanhong Duan; *Jian Han; Dongjing Fu; Xingliang Zhang; Xiaoguang Yang; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Degan Shu, Reproductive strategy of the bradoriid arthropod Kunmingella douvillei from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 983-990, 2014/4. (通讯作者) Yoshihiro Okada; Yusuke Sawaki; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Takafumi Hirata; Naoto Takahata; Yuji Sano; Jian Han; Shigenori Maruyama, New chronological constraints for Cryogenian to Cambrian rocks in the Three Gorges, Weng'an and Chengjiang areas, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1027-1044, 2014/4. Yusuke Sawaki; Miyuki Tahata; Takeshi Ohno; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Takafumi Hirata; Shigenori Maruyama; Jian Han; Degan Shu, The anomalous Ca cycle in the Ediacaran ocean: Evidence from Ca isotopes preserved in carbonates in the Three Gorges area, South China, Gondwana Research, 25(3), pp 1070-1089, 2014/4. 段艳红; 王星; 杨晓光; 傅东静; 瞿方超; 韩健, 母爱的起源与进化——来自于寒武纪的证据 , 生物进化, 4期, pp 26-28, 2013/12/2.
*Han Jian; Kubota Shin; Li Guoxiang; Yao Xiaoyong; Yang Xiaoguang; Shu Degan; Li Yong; Shunichi Kinoshita; Osamu Sasaki; Tsuyoshi Komiya; Yan Gang, Early Cambrian Pentamerous Cubozoan Embryos from South China, PLos One, 8(8), p e70741, 2013/8/12. *Ishikawa, Tomoko; Ueno, Yuichiro; Shu, Degan; Li, Yong; Han, Jian; Guo, Junfeng; Yoshida, Naohiro; Komiya, Tsuyoshi, Irreversible change of the oceanic carbon cycle in the earliest Cambrian: High-resolution organic and inorganic carbon chemostratigraphy in the Three Gorges area, South China, Precambrian Research, 225卷, pp 190-208, 2013/2. *Tahata, Miyuki; Ueno, Yuichiro; Ishikawa, Tomoko; Sawaki, Yusuke; Murakami, Kazuki; Han, Jian; Shu, Degan; Li, Yong; Guo, Junfeng; Yoshida, Naohiro; Komiya, Tsuyoshi, Carbon and oxygen isotope chemostratigraphies of the Yangtze platform, South China: Decoding temperature and environmental changes through the Ediacaran, Gondwana Research, 23(1), pp 333-353, 2013/1. *Zhang, Zhifei; Holmer, Lars E.; Skovsted, Christian B.; Brock, Glenn A.; Budd, Graham E.; Fu, Dongjing; Zhang, Xingliang; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Liu, Jianni; Wang, Haizhou……, A sclerite-bearing stem group entoproct from the early Cambrian and its implications, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 3卷, 2013/1/17. 焦国祥, 韩健, 2013. 云南下寒武统澄江生物群中细丝海绵新种类研究. 地下水 35, 176-179.
*Liu, Jianni; Ou, Qiang; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; He, Tongjiang; Yao, Xiaoyong; Fu, Dongjing; Shu, Degan, New occurence of the Cambrian (Stage 4, Series 2) Guanshan Biota in Huize, Yunnan, South China, Bulletin of Geosciences, 87(1), pp 125-132, 2012. Ou, Qiang; Morris, Simon Conway; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Liu, Jianni; Chen, Ailin; Zhang, Xingliang; Shu, Degan, Evidence for gill slits and a pharynx in Cambrian vetulicolians: implications for the early evolution of deuterostomes, BMC Biology, 10卷, 2012/10/2. 段艳红; 韩健; 张志飞; 刘建妮, 华南布尔吉斯页岩型软躯体化石生物群对比研究, 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 02期, pp 288-295, 何通江; 刘建妮; 韩健, 云南东部早寒武世关山动物群中的Tuzoia sinensis Pan, 甘肃地质, 02期, pp 10-13, 2012. 王相人; 张志飞; 韩健, 湖北宜昌寒武系水井沱组古杯化石上蓝菌类及其微型钻孔, 微体古生物学报, 02期, pp 170-178, 2012.
2011 *Liu, Jianni; Steiner, Michael; Dunlop, Jason A.; Keupp, Helmut; Shu, Degan; Ou, Qiang; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhang, Xingliang, An armoured Cambrian lobopodian from China with arthropod-like appendages, Nature, 470(7335), pp 526-530, 2011/2/24. *Liu, Jianni; Steiner, Michael; Dunlop, Jason A.; Keupp, Helmut; Shu, Degan; Qu, Qiang; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhang, Xingliang, Phylogenetic position of Diania challenged Lobopodian phylogeny reanalysed Reply, Nature, 476(7359), pp E3-E4, 2011/8/11. *Ou, Qiang; Liu, Jianni; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Wan, Xiaoqiao; Lei, Qianping, A Rare Onychophoran-Like Lobopodian From The Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, Southwestern China, And Its Phylogenetic Implications, Journal of Paleontology, 85(3), pp 587-594, 2011/5. *Zhang, Zhifei; Holmer, Lars E.; Ou, Qiang; Han, Jian; Shu, Degan, The exceptionally preserved Early Cambrian stem rhynchonelliform brachiopod Longtancunella and its implications, Lethaia, 44(4), pp 490-495, 2011/12. Yao, Xiaoyong; *Han, Jian; Jiao, Guoxiang, Early Cambrian epibolic gastrulation: A perspective from the Kuanchuanpu Member, Dengying Formation, Ningqiang, Shaanxi, South China, Gondwana Research, 20(4), pp 844-851, 2011/11(通讯作者).
Han, Jian; Kubota, Shin; Uchida, Hiro-omi; Stanley, George D., Jr.; Yao, Xiaoyong; Shu, Degan; Li, Yong; Yasui, Kinya, 中国下寒武统微体海葵化石, PLos One, 5(10), p e13276, 2010/10/13. Shu, D. -G.; Morris, S. Conway; Zhang, Z. -F.; Han, J., The earliest history of the deuterostomes: the importance of the Chengjiang Fossil-Lagerstatte, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1679), pp 165-174, 2010/1/22. Zhang, Zhifei; Han, Jian; Wang, Yang; Emig, Christian C.; Shu, Degan, Epibionts on the lingulate brachiopod Diandongia from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 277(1679), pp 175-181, 2010/1/22. 郭俊锋; 李勇; 舒德干; 韩健; 张志飞, 湖北宜昌纽芬兰统岩家河组结核的特征及形成过程, 沉积学报, 04期, 2010/8/15. 侯笑晋; 郝亚青; 姚肖永; 韩健; 李勇; 刘云焕, 陕西省宁强县早寒武世宽川铺组具瘤突装饰的Olivooides-like胚胎化石新类型, 地球科学与环境学报, 04期, 2010/12/15.
2009 B. Schoenemann; J. N. Liu; D. G. Shu; J. Han; Z. F. Zhang, A miniscule optimized visual system in the Lower Cambrian, Lethaia, 42(3), pp 265-273, 2009. Ou, Qiang; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Xingliang; Zhang, Zhifei; Liu, Jianni, A JUVENILE REDLICHIID TRILOBITE CAUGHT ON THE MOVE: EVIDENCE FROM THE CAMBRIAN (SERIES 2) CHENGJIANG LAGERSTATTE, SOUTHWESTERN CHINA, Palaios, 24(7-8), pp 473-477, 2009/8 JUL-AUG. Schoenemann, Brigitte; Liu, Jian-Ni; Shu, De-Gan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhi-Fei, A miniscule optimized visual system in the Lower Cambrian, Lethaia, 42(3), pp 265-273, 2009/9. Z. F. Zhang; G. X. Li; C. C. Emig; J. Han; L. E. Holmer; D. G. Shu, Architecture and function of the lophophore in the problematic brachiopod Heliomedusa orienta (Early Cambrian, South China), Geobios, 42(5), pp 649-661, 2009. 郭俊锋; 李勇; 韩健; 张兴亮; 张志飞; 欧强; 舒德干, 原锥虫属(Protoconites Chen et al.,1994)在湖北三峡地区纽芬兰统(Terreneuvian)岩家河组的发现, 自然科学进展, 02期, 2009. 韩健; 姚肖永; 焦国祥, 寒武纪的“蚯蚓”——鳃曳动物, 自然杂志, 04期, 2009/8/15. 刘建妮; 韩健; 张志飞; 舒德干, 寒武纪叶足动物与现生有爪类的亲缘关系再讨论, 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 06期, 2009/12/25. 刘云焕; 邵铁全; 韩健; 房启飞; 冯健雪; 郑曦, 陕南早寒武世早期磷酸盐化Punctatus发育模式研究, Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 03期, 2009. 舒德干; 张兴亮; 韩健; 张志飞; 刘建妮, 再论寒武纪大爆发与动物树成型, 古生物学报, 03期, 2009/9/15. 张志飞; 王妍; 汪洋; 韩健, 寒武早期泥质基底腕足动物的生活策略——来自澄江动物群的证据, 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 06期, 2009/12/25.
Guo Junfeng; Li Yong; Han Jian; Zhang Xingliang; Zhang Zhifei; Ou Qiang; Liu Jianni; Shu Degan; Maruyama, Shigenori; Komiya, Tsuyoshi, Fossil Association from the Lower Cambrian Yanjiahe Formation in the Yangtze Gorges Area, Hubei, South China, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 82(6), pp 1124-1132, 2008/12. Han, J.; Zhang, Z. -F.; Liu, J. -N., A preliminary note on the dispersal of the Cambrian Burgess Shale-type faunas, Gondwana Research, 14(1-2), pp 269-276, 2008/8. Ishikawa, Tomoko; Ueno, Yuichiro; Komiya, Tsuyoshi; Sawaki, Yusuke; Han, Jian; Shu, Degan; Li, Yong; Maruyama, Shigenori; Yoshida, Naohiro, Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of a Precambrian/Cambrian boundary section in the Three Gorge area, South China: Prominent global-scale isotope excursions just before the Cambrian Explosion, Gondwana Research, 14(1-2), pp 193-208, 2008/8. Komiya, Tsuyoshi; Hirata, Takafumi; Kitajima, Kouki; Yamamoto, Shinji; Shibuya, Takazo; Sawaki, Yusuke; Ishikawa, Tomoko; Shu, Degan; Li, Yong; Han, Jian, Evolution of the composition of seawater through geologic time, and its influence on the evolution of life, Gondwana Research, 14(1-2), pp 159-174, 2008/8. Komiya, Tsuyoshi; Suga, Akinobu; Ohno, Tsuyoshi; Han, Jian; Guo, Junfeng; Yamamoto, Shinji; Hirata, Takafumi; Li, Yong, Ca isotopic compositions of dolomite, phosphorite and the oldest animal embryo fossils from the Neoproterozoic in Weng'an, South China, Gondwana Research, 14(1-2), pp 209-218, 2008/8. Liu JianNi; Shu DeGan; Han Jian; Zhang ZhiFei, Comparative study of Cambrian lobopods Miraluolishania and Luolishania, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53(1), pp 87-93, 2008/1. Liu, Jianni; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhang, Xingliang, Origin, diversification, and relationships of Cambrian lobopods, Gondwana Research, 14(1-2), pp 277-283, 2008/8. Liu, Jianni; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhang, Xingliang, The lobopod Onychodictyon from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte revisited, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 53(2), pp 285-292, 2008/6.
2007 Han, Jian; Liu, Jianni; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhang, Xingliang; Shu, Degan, Trunk ornament on the palaeoscolecid worms Cricocosmia and Tabelliscolex from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits of China, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 52(2), pp 423-431, 2007/6. Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Liu, Jianni; Shu, Degan, Evidence of priapulid scavenging from the early cambrian chengrang deposits, Southern China, Palaios, 22(6), pp 691-694, 2007/11. Han, J., Zhang, Z., Liu, J., 2007. The trace fossils of priapulids from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits and implications for their locomotory styles. Journal of China University of Geoscience, Vol. 18, special issue, p.392-393, June 2007 Printed in China 18. Han, J., Yao, Y., Zhang, Z., Liu, J., Shu, D., 2007. New observations on the palaeoscolecid worm Tylotites petiolaris from the Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, South China. Paleontological Research 11, 59-69. Liu, Jianni; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Zhang, Zhifei; Zhang, Xingliang, Morpho-anatomy of the lobopod Magadictyon cf. haikouensis from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, Acta Zoologica, 88(4), pp 279-288, 2007/10. Zhang, Zhifei; Han, Jian; Zhang, Xingliang; Liu, Jianni; Guo, Junfeng; Shu, Degan, Note on the gut preserved in the Lower Cambrian Lingulellotreta (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from southern China, Acta Zoologica, 88(1), pp 65-70, 2007/1. Zhang, Zhifei; Shu, Degan; Emig, Christian; Zhang, Xingliang; Han, Jian; Liu, Jianni; Li, Yong; Guo, Junfeng, Rhynchonelliformean brachiopods with soft-tissue preservation from the early Cambrian chengjiang lagerstatte of South China, Palaeontology, 50卷, pp 1391-1402, 2007/11. Zhang, Zhifei; Shu, Degan; Han, Jian; Liu, Jianni, A gregarious lingulid brachiopod Longtancunella chengjiangensis from the Lower Cambrian, South China, Lethaia, 40(1), pp 11-18, 2007/3. 刘建妮; 舒德干; 韩健; 张志飞, 寒武纪叶足动物神奇啰哩山虫与啰哩山虫的比较研究, 科学通报, 15期, 2007
2006 Han Jian; Shu Degan; Zhang Zhifei; Liu Jianni; Zhang Xingliang; Yao Yang, Preliminary notes on soft-bodied fossil concentrations from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(20), pp 2482-2492, 2006/10. Han, J; Hu, SX, Discussion on the systematic position of the Early Cambrian priapulomorph worms - Response, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(2), pp 250-256, 2006/1. Han, J; Zhang, XL; Zhang, ZF; Shu, DG, A new theca-bearing Early Cambrian worm from the Chengjiang fossil Lagerstatte, China, Alcheringa, 30(1), pp 1-10, 2006. Liu, JN; Han, J; Simonetta, AM; Hu, SX; Zhang, ZF; Yao, Y; Shu, DG, New observations of the lobopod-like worm Facivermis from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(3), pp 358-363, 2006/2. Liu, JN; Shu, D; Han, J; Zhang, ZF; Zhang, XL, A large xenusiid lobopod with complex appendages from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 51(2), pp 215-222, 2006/6. Shu, DG; Morris, SC; Han, J; Li, Y; Zhang, XL; Hua, H; Zhang, ZF; Liu, JN; Guo, JF; Yao, Y; Yasui, K, Lower Cambrian vendobionts from China and early diploblast evolution, Science, 312(5774), pp 731-734, 2006/5/5. Zhang, ZF; Shu, DG; Han, J; Liu, JN, New data on the rare Chengjiang (Lower Cambrian, South China) linguloid brachiopod Xianshanella haikouensis, Journal of Paleontology, 80(2), pp 203-211, 2006/3.
2005 Zhang, ZF; Shu, DG; Han, J; Liu, JN, Morpho-anatomical differences of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang and Recent lingulids and their implications, Acta Zoologica, 86(4), pp 277-288, 2005/10.
2004 Han, J., Shu, D., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J., 2004a. The earliest-known ancestors of recent priapulomorpha from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte. Chinese Science Bulletin 49, 1860-1868. Han, J., Zhang, Z., Liu, J., 2004b. Taphonomy and ecology of the introverts in Chengjiang fauna [In Chinese with English summary]. Journal of Northwest University ( Natural Science Edition) 34, 207-212(In Chinese). /韩健, 张志飞, 刘建妮, 2004. 澄江动物群中翻吻动物的埋藏学与生态学研究. 西北大学学报(自然科学版) 34, 207-212. Liu, J.N., Shu, D.G., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., 2004. A rare lobopod with wellpreserved eyes from Chengjiang Lagerstatte and its implications for origin of arthropods. Chinese Science Bulletin 49, 1063-1071. Shu, D.G., Morris, S.C., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J.N., 2004. Ancestral echinoderms from the Chengjiang deposits of China. Nature 430, 422-428. Zhang, X.L., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, H.Q., Shu, D.G., 2004a. Redescription of the Chengjiang arthropod Squamacula clypeata Hou and Bergstrom, from the Lower Cambrian, south-west China. Palaeontology 47, 605-617. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J.N., Shu, D.G., 2004b. Soft-tissue preservation in the Lower Cambrian linguloid brachiopod from South China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49, 259-266.
Han, J., Zhang, Z., Shu, D., 2003. Discovery of proboscis of Tylotites petiolaris. Northwestern Geology 36, 87-93. Shu, D.G., Morris, S.C., 2003. Response to comment on "A new species of yunnanozoan with implications for deuterostome evolution". Science 300, -. Shu, D.G., Morris, S.C., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, J.N., Han, J., Chen, L., Zhang, X.L., Yasui, K., Li, Y., 2003. A new species of yunnanozoan with implications for deuterostome evolution. Science 299, 1380-1384. Zhang, X.L., Han, J., Zhang, Z.F., Liu, H.Q., Shu, D.G., 2003a. Reconsideration of the supposed naraoiid larva from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China. Palaeontology 46, 447-465. Zhang, Z.F., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J.N., Shu, S.G., 2003b. Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista from the Lower Cambrian of South China. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition 77, 288-293.
2002 Han, J; Zhang, XL; Zhang, ZF; Shu, DG, A new platy-armored worm from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 77(1), pp 1-6, 2003/3. Shu, DG; Morris, SC; Han, J; Zhang, ZF; Yasui, K; Janvier, P; Chen, L; Zhang, XL; Liu, JN; Li, Y; Liu, HQ, Head and backbone of the Early Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys, Nature, 421(6922), pp 526-529, 2003/1/30. Shu, DG; Morris, SC; Zhang, ZF; Liu, JN; Han, J; Chen, L; Zhang, XL; Yasui, K; Li, Y, A new species of yunnanozoan with implications for deuterostome evolution, Science, 299(5611), pp 1380-1384, 2003/2/28. Zhang, XL; Han, J; Shu, DG, New occurrence of the Burgess Shale arthropod Sidneyia in the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte (South China), and revision of the arthropod Urokodia, Alcheringa, 26(1-2), pp 1-8, 2002. Zhang, XL; Han, J; Zhang, ZF; Liu, HQ; Shu, DG, Reconsideration of the supposed naraoiid larva from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, Palaeontology, 46卷, pp 447-465, 2003/5. Zhang, ZF; Han, J; Zhang, XL; Liu, JN; Shu, SG, Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista from the Lower Cambrian of South China, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 77(3), pp 288-293, 2003/9.
2001 Zhang, XL; Shu, DG; Li, Y; Han, J, New sites of Chengjiang fossils: crucial windrows on the Cambrian explosion, Journal of the Geological Society, 158卷, pp 211-218, 2001/3. Shu, DG; Morris, SC; Han, J; Chen, L; Zhang, XL; Zhang, ZF; Liu, HQ; Li, Y; Liu, JN, Primitive deuterostomes from the Chengjiang Lagerstatte (Lower Cambrian, China), Nature, 414(6862), pp 419-424, 2001/11/22. Shu, DG; Chen, L; Han, J; Zhang, XL, An early Cambrian tunicate from China, Nature, 411(6836), pp 472-473, 2001/5/24.
2000 Zhang, XL; Han, J; Shu, DG, A new arthropod Pygmaclypeatus daziensis from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China, Journal of Paleontology, 74(5), pp 979-982, 2000/9. 1999 Shu, D; Morris, SC; Zhang, XL; Chen, L; Li, Y; Han, J, A pipiscid-like fossil from the Lower Cambrian of south China, Nature, 400(6746), pp 746-749, 1999/8/19. Shu, DG; Luo, HL; Morris, SC; Zhang, XL; Hu, SX; Chen, L; Han, J; Zhu, M; Li, Y; Chen, LZ, Lower Cambrian vertebrates from South China, Nature, 402(6757), pp 42-46, 1999/11/4. 韩健, 张兴亮, 1999. 前寒武纪海绵记录与云南澄江海绵化石群研究概况. 西北地质 32, 1-5.
1. 刘建妮; 欧强; 韩健; 李金淑; 武一晨, 多毛类环节动物在关山生物群的发现, 中国古生物学会第28届学术年会论文摘要集, p 2, 中国辽宁沈阳, 2015/8/10. 2. 欧强; 肖书海; 韩健; 孙舸; 张放; 张志飞; 舒德干, 寒武纪骨骼化栉水母演化轶史, 中国古生物学会第28届学术年会论文摘要集, p 2, 中国辽宁沈阳, 2015/8/10. 3. 韩健; 欧强; 张兴亮; 张志飞; 刘建妮; 郭俊峰; 舒德干, Archaeocyaths from theEarly Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, southChina, The 13th International Field Conference Of The Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group The Siberian Platform, 2008/7/20-3/8/2008, Yakutsk, 2008/7/26, 分组报告. 4. *Han Jian, The reproductive strategyof bradoriid arthropod Kunmingella douvillei from the Lower Cambrian ChengjiangLagerstätte,South China, The 17th Field Conference of the Cambrian Stage Subdivision Working Group, International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy, and Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Kaili Biota, 2012/6/9-19/6/2012, 贵州, 2012/6/12, 分组报告. 5. *Han Jian, The organic periderm ofpolypoid Eolympia pediculata from the Early Cambrian Kuanchuanpu Formation,China, 34th Session of the International Geological Congress (IGC), 2012/8/5-10/8/2012, 2012/8/6, 分组报告. 6. *Han Jian; Shin Kubota; Li Guoxiang; Yang Xiaoguang; Shu Degan; Osamu Sasaki; Kentaro Uesugi; Tsuyoshi Komiya, Early Cambrian stem-groupcubozoans from South China, The 8th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, 2013/12/1-5/12/2013, Eilat, 2013/12/2, 分组报告. 7. *Han Jian; Shin Kubota; Li Guoxiang, Punctatus,a ThecateCubozoan from the Lower Cambrian,South China, The 8th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, 2013/12/1-5/12/2013, Eilat, 2013/12/2, 分组报告. 8. Han Jian; Shin Kubota; Li Guoxiang; Yang Xiaoguang; Shu Degan; Osamu Sasaki; Kentaro Uesugi; Tsuyoshi Komiya, Early Cambrian stem-groupcubozoans from South China, 4TH International Paleontological Congress, 2014/9/28-3/10/2014, Mendoza, 2014/10/1, 分组报告. 9. Han Jian; Shin Kubota; Li Guoxiang; Yao Xiaoyong; Yang Xiaoguang; Shu Degan; Li Yong; Osamu Sasaki; Kentaro Uesugi; Tsuyoshi Komiya, Cambrian problematichydromedusa-like medusozoans South China, THE 8TH WORKSHOP OF THE HYDROZOAN SOCIETY, 2015/6/20-27/6/2015, Ischia, 2015/6/23, 分组报告. 10. 韩健; 李国祥; 王星, 寒武纪Olivoiides亲缘关系探讨, 中国古生物学会第十一次全国会员代表大会暨第27届学术年会, 2013/11/15-18/11/2013, 浙江东阳, 2013/11/17, 分组报告. 11. 韩健, 寒武纪Olivooides研究进展, 973项目和中德合作项目学术交流会, 2014/1/13-15/1/2014, 西安, 2014/1/14, 分组报告. 12. 韩健; 李国祥; 杨晓光; 王星, 水母的起源与新元古代-寒武纪古海洋氧气含量的关系, 中国古生物学会第十二次全国会员代表大会, 2015/8/10-14/8/2015, 辽宁沈阳, 2015/8/12, 特邀报告. 13. 段艳红; 韩健, 早寒武世高肌虫Kunmingella携卵行为研究, 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会论文集, 2011. 14. 杨晓光; 韩健; 姚肖永; 李勇; 张志飞; 华洪; 张兴亮, 陕西宁强宽川铺生物群磷酸盐化微生物的新类型, 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会论文集, 2011. 15. 王相人; 张志飞; 韩健, 湖北宜昌下寒武统水井沱组壳体化石上的微生物作用, 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会论文集, 2011. 16. 韩健; 张志飞; 欧强; 姚肖永; 杨晓光, 华南寒武纪刺细胞动物述评, 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会论文集, 2011. 17. 欧强; 韩健; 张志飞; 王曼艳; 舒德干, 古虫动物门分支系统学研究, 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会论文集, 2011. 18. Han Jian; Zhang Zhifei; Liu Jianni, The trace fossils of priapulids from the early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits and implications for their locomotory styles, 6th Annual Meeting of the International-Professionals-for-the-Advancement-of-Chinese-Earth-Sciences, 2007/6/25-28/6/2007, pp 392-393, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2007/6, 分组报告. 19. *Han Jian; Zhang Zhifei; Liu Jianni, The trace fossils of priapulids from the early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits and implications for their locomotory styles, 6th Annual Meeting of the International Professionals for the Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences, 2007/6/25-28/6/2007, pp 392-393, 2007/6/25, 分组报告. 20. Han Jian; Zhang Zhifei; Liu Jianni, The trace fossils of priapulids from the early Cambrian Chengjiang deposits and implications for their locomotory styles, 现代地球科学:交流与合作, 2007/6/25-2007/6/28, pp 392-393, 武汉, 2007/6/25, 墙报展示.
1. 主持完成国家自然科学基金项目青年基金课题:“早寒武世澄江生物群和湖北峡东岩家河组蠕形动物研究”(编号40602003,起止日期:2007年1月至2009年12月)一项。 2. 主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目 “华南早寒武世水螅形化石研究”,编号NSFC41272019,起止日期:2014年1月至2017年12月。 3. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 “华南寒武系水母化石分异度和谱系研究”,编号NSFC41772010,起止日期:2017年1月至2021年12月。 4. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 “陕南寒武纪早期宽川铺组疑似刺细胞动物化石研究”,编号NSFC42372012,起止日期:2024年1月至2027年12月。 5. 主持国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目 “寒武系最早期动物门类辐射演化(5.35亿年前): 来自陕南宽川铺组的证据”41911530236起止日期:2019年1月1日至2021年12月31日。 6. 主持南古所开放实验室项目“华南寒武系宽川铺组水母及文德型化石研究” 编号D163107. 7. 参加科技部973项目:“从雪球事件到寒武纪大爆发:距今6亿年前后的生物与环境演变” , 编号2013CB835002,起止日期:2014年1月至2017年12月. 8. 参加国家自然科学基金创新群体项目 "动物树成型及演化"(41621003)。起止日期:2017年1月至2021年12月 9. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)“关键地史时期生物与环境演变过程及其机制” 编号XDB26000000子课题动物门类起源和寒武纪大爆发,起止日期:2018年9月至2023年12月。 10, 参与国家自然科学基金科技活动项目“西北大学中小学地学进阶式科普实践与研究” 编号NSFC 42142030 :2022.01-2022.12。张志飞、白琳、封从军、韩健、王建强、秦江峰、李素琴 11,参与国家自然科学基金科技活动项目“西北大学中小学地学科普科教活动探索与实践” 编号NSFC 42042028:2021.01-2021.12。封从军、白琳、韩健等。 12,参与国家自然科学基金科技活动项目“西北大学青、少、幼地学科普进阶活动探索与实践” 编号NSFC: 4194200043, 2020.01-2020.12, 华洪、白琳、韩健、张志飞、封从军、王云龙,鲁飞、李新焕. 13,韩健,中组部万人计划,2021年始
奖励 1. 韩健,华洪,张志飞,封从军、陈延龙、白琳等:中国古生物学会2021年度全国地质古生物科普十大进展 2022年12月16日。 2. 舒德干、韩健,中国科协:第六届中国科协优秀论文,2021年10月10日 3. 韩健,中华人民共和国科学技术部,万人计划,2020年11月。 4. 舒德干、韩健,中国古生物学会:2020年度中国古生物学十大进展 5. 韩健,郭俊锋,刘建妮,白琳:中国古生物学会2019年度全国地质古生物科普十大进展 2020年10月20日。 6. 韩健 2020年, 西北大学科研奖 2020年10月15日。 7. 韩健,中华人民共和国科学技术部,中青年科技领军人才,2020年4月10日。 8. 韩健 2018年西北大学科研奖 9. 韩健 华南寒武系有口无肛微型后口动物 中国古生物学会 2017年度中国古生物学十大进展 10. 韩健 西北大学2016-2017年度优秀教师 11. 张兴亮; 舒德干; 刘建妮; 张志飞; 韩健, 地球动物树成型, 中华人民共和国国务院, 国家自然科学奖,二等奖, 2016/12/21 12. 韩健, 寒武纪刺细胞动物研究, 陕西省省委组织部, 第十届陕西青年科技奖, 一等奖, 2014/12/7. 13. 韩健, 寒武纪刺细胞动物研究, 陕西省省委组织部, 陕西青年科技标兵, 一等奖, 2014/12/7. 14. 韩健,2006年陕西省优秀博士论文获得者。 15. 舒德干 张兴亮 韩健 张志飞 刘建妮,“后生动物门类起源及早期演化”获2009年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(一等奖),中华人民共和国教育部 2008年9月16日 16. 舒德干 寒武纪大爆发以及脊椎动物研究 获 2001年 中国高校十大科技进展,中国高校科学技术奖励委员会
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