
职 称:教授



研究方向:构造地质学 流变学 岩石地球物理


孙圣思,2007年6月毕业于南京大学地球科学系地质学(基地班)专业,2012年4月获得加拿大蒙特利尔大学构造地质学博士学位,同年7月进入西北大学地质学系从事教学科研工作。主要从事造山带岩石流变学、岩石地球物理性质研究。主持国家自然科学基金优青、面上、青年项目,国家重点研发计划项目子专题等项目10余项。发表学术论文40余篇,其中,第一/通讯作者Geology、Journal of Geophysical Research等SCI期刊论文10余篇。获得陕西省特支计划“青年拔尖人才”,陕西省高校“青年杰出人才”等荣誉称号。担任陕西高校“大陆流变学”青年创新团队负责人。兼任国际SCI杂志《Lithosphere》《Geological Journal》副主编、中国地质学会构造地质学与地球动力学专业委员会委员,中国岩石力学与工程学会高温高压岩石力学委员会委员等。 



Sun, S.S., Dong, Y.P., 2023. High temperature ductile deformation, lithological and geochemical differentiation along the Shagou shear zone, Qinling Orogen, China. Journal of Structural Geology 167,104791.

Li, Y.X., Sun, S.S.*, Dong, Y.P., He, D.F., Cheng, C., Yang, Z.Q., Zhang, B. 2023. Rheological behavior of amphibolite facies migmatites during orogenesis: A case study from the North Qinling belt, China. Lithos, online. 

Fan, M.P., Liu, X.M., Sun, S.S.*, Dong, Y.P., Ayers, J.C., Santosh, M., 2023. Effect of chemical composition on zircon radiation damage dating: Implications for low-temperature thermochronology. Geoscience Frontiers. Under review. 

孙圣思, 董云鹏,2022.《秦岭造山带-鄂尔多斯盆地野外实践》课程之“造山带构造演化”野外教学设计. 高校地质学报 28(3), 368-377.

Sun, S.S., Dong, Y.P., Cheng, C., He, D.F., Zhou, B., and Liu, X.M., 2022. Mesozoic intracontinental ductile shearing along the Paleozoic Shangdan suture in the Qinling Orogen: constraints from deformation fabrics and geochronology, GSA Bulletin, 134 (9-10), 2649–2666. 

Cheng, C., Sun, S.S.*, Dong, Y.P., Zhang, B., Guo, Z., 2022. Exhumation of plutons controlled by boundary faults: Insights from the kinematics, microfabric and geochronology of the Taibai shear zone, Qinling Orogen, China. GSA Bulletin, 134(11-12), 2723-2744.

Dong, Y.P., Sun, S.S., Santosh, M., Hui, B., Sun, J.P., Zhang, F.F., Cheng, B., Yang, Z., Shi, X.H., He, D.F., Yang, L., Cheng, C., Liu, X.M., Zhou, X.H., Wang, W., Qi, N., 2022. Cross Orogenic Belts in Central China: Implications for the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the East Asian continental collage. Gondwana Research 109, 18–88.

Dong, Y.P., Sun, S.S., Santosh, M., Zhao, J., Sun, J.P., He, D.F., Shi, X.H., Hui, B., Cheng, C., Zhang, G.W., 2021.  Central China Orogenic Belt and amalgamation of East Asian continents. Gondwana Research 100, 131-194. 

董云鹏, 张国伟, 孙圣思, 张菲菲, 何登峰, 孙娇鹏, 柳小明, 杨钊, 程斌, 惠博, 岳远刚, 周波, 程超, 杨子强, 史小辉, 龙晓平, 2019. 中国大陆“十字构造”形成演化及其大陆动力学意义. 地质力学学报 25, 769–797.

Sun, S.S., Dong, Y.P., Liu X.M., He, D.F., Cheng, Chao C, 2019. Fabrics, geothermometer and geochronology of the Songshugou ophiolite: Insights into the tectonic evolution of the Shangdan suture, Qinling orogen, China. Lithosphere, 11(6), 784-803.

Sun, S.S., Dong, Y.P., Sun, Y.L., Cheng, C., Huang, X.X., Liu, X.M., 2019.Re-Os geochronology, O isotopes and mineral geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Songshugou ultramafic massif in the Qinling Orogenic Belt, China. Gondwana Research, 70, 71-87.

Sun, S.S., Dong, Y.P., He, D.F., Cheng, C., Liu, X.M., 2019a. Thickening and partial melting of the Northern Qinling Orogen, China: Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic compositions of migmatite. Journal of the Geological Society, 176,1218-1231.

Dong, Y.P., Sun, S.S., Liu, X.M., He, D.F., Zhou, X.H., Zhang, F.F., Cheng, B., Yang, Z., Zhou, D.W., 2019. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Yazidaban ophiolitic mélange in the Qimantagh: Constrain on the Early Paleozoic back-arc basin of the East Kunlun Orogen, northern Tibetan Plateau.Journal of the Geological Society 176, 306-322.

Cheng, C., Sun, S.S.*, Dong, Y.P., 2019.Fabrics and geochronology of the Taibai ductile shear zone: Implications fortectonic evolution of the Qinling Orogenic Belt, central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 177, 1-16.

Liang, X., Sun, S.S.*, Dong, Y.P., Yang, Z., Liu, X.M., He, D.F., 2017. Fabrics and geochronology of the Wushan ductile shear zone: Tectonic implications for the Shangdan suture zone in the Qinling orogen, Central China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 139, 71-82.

Dong, Y.P., Sun S.S., Yang Z., Liu X.M., Zhang, F.F., Li, W., Cheng, B., He D.F., Zhang, G.W., 2017. Neoproterozoic subduction-accretionary tectonics of the South Qinling Belt, China.Precambrian Research,293,73–90. 

Sun, S.S., Ji, S.C., Michibayashi, and M. Salisbury (2016), Effects of olivine fabric, melt-rock reaction, and hydration on the seismic properties of peridotites: Insight from the Luobusha ophiolite in the Tibetan Plateau, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 121, 3300–3323.

Sun, S.S., Ji, S.C., Wang, Q.,Salisbury, M., Xu, Z.Q., 2012. Seismic wave velocity differences between surface-derived and deep borehole core samples from the Sulu UHP metamorphic terrane.Geology, 40, 651–654.

Sun, S.S., Ji, S.C., Wang, Q., Wang, H.C., Long, C.X.,Salisbury, M., 2012. Seismic properties of the Longmen Shan complex: Implications for the moment magnitude of the great 2008 Wenchuan earthquake inChina.Tectonophysics, 564, 68-82.

Sun, S.S., Ji,S.C., Wang, Q., Xu, Z.Q.,Salisbury, M., 2011. Seismic velocities and anisotropy of core samples from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) borehole in the Sulu UHP terrane, easternChina.Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B01206.