职 称:教授
Geobiology, Environmental Geochemistry
目前研究方向包括:(1)生物必需营养元素的地球化学循环;(2)地球历史时期重大环境事件的生物地球化学联系。具体研究内容包括:(1)重建古海洋营养元素储库及氧化还原状态;(2)粘土矿物以及微生物对微量元素循环控制;(3)矿物与微生物相互作用及其对环境的影响;(4)利用建模预测微量元素及有机质行为; (5)成岩过程中微量元素迁移转化规律。
Research interest: (1) The Geochemical cycling of essential nutrients ; (2) Links between the geobiochemical behavior of trace elements and geological events.
Specifically, (1) Reconstruction of the redox conditions and trace nutrient reservior for paleo-oceans; (2) The impact of clay and cyanobacteria on the cycling of trace elements; (3) The interaction between minerals and microbes and their environmental impact; (4) Modeling prediction of the behaviors for trace elements and organics; (5) The behavior of trace elements during diagenesis.
联系方式 (Contacts):
邮箱 (Email):hwd9910@nwu.edu.cn; whao@ualberta.ca
电话 (Tel):+(86) 18562161339
地址 (Address):陕西省西安市太白北路229号 西北大学地质学系
(Department of Geology, Northwest University, St.Taibaibeilu, No.229, Xi'an, Shanxi Province, China)
Education and working experiences:
客座教授:阿尔伯塔大学 地球与大气科学学院。
Adjunct Professor: University of Alberta, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
教授:西北大学 地质学系。
Professor: Northwest University, Department of Geology.
助理讲师/教员:阿尔伯塔大学 讲授本科生课程《Environment Earth》。
Assistant Lecturer/Instructor: University of Alberta, Teaching undergraduate course.
博士后:阿尔伯塔大学 导师:Kurt Konhauser教授,Daniel Alessi教授。
Postdoc Fellow: University of Alberta, Collaborator: Profs. Kurt Konhauser, Daniel Alessi.
科研助理:阿尔伯塔大学 导师:Kurt Konhauser教授。
Research Assistant: University of Alberta, Collaborator: Prof. Kurt Konhauser.
教学助理:阿尔伯塔大学 讲授本科生课程《Engineering Earth Science》。
Teaching Assistant: University of Alberta, Teaching undergraduate course.
博士:阿尔伯塔大学 环境地球化学/地球生物学专业。导师:Kurt Konhauser教授,Daniel Alessi教授。
PhD: University of Alberta, Major: Environmental geochemistry/Geobiology. Supervisor: Profs. Kurt Konhauser, Daniel Alessi.
硕士:中国矿业大学 矿产普查与勘探专业。导师:王文峰教授。
MSc: China University of Mining and Technology, Major: Ore deposit and mineral exploration.
本科:中国农业大学 设施农业科学与工程专业。
Bachelor: China Agriculture University, Major: Installed Agro-science and Engineering.
6. 项目名称 (Project name):MSc Graduate student program
学生 (Student): Rong Jin (2022).
科研课题 (Research project): Assessments of water and fine-grained sediment in the Capital Region of the North Saskatchewan River (Canada)
5. 项目名称 (Project name):WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology)
学生 (Student): Sandy Iligan (2022.7.4-2022.8.12).
科研课题 (Research project): Study of the chemical composition for marine shales to assess ancient seawater chemistry
4. 项目名称 (Project name):Advanced Geobiology (EAS560) course term project.
学生 (Student): Daniel Baker; Charvanaa Dhoonmoon; Kayode Famade; Scott Melnyk (2019.9.25-2020.1)
科研课题 (Research project): Surface complexation modeling and metal sorption onto bacteria-clay aggregates
3. 项目名称 (Project name): Undergraduate summer internship.
学生 (Student): Quentin Mcdermott (2019. 5.8-8.15).
科研课题 (Research project): The transportation of Cd from river to oceans and its surface complexation modeling.
2. 项目名称 (Project name): Summer project of University of Science and Technology of China.
学生 (Student): Qitao Hu (2018.7.1- 2018.8.1).
科研课题 (Research project): Surface complexation modeling of Cd2+ adsorption onto clay minerals; The adsorption capcity of phosphate onto clay minerals under acidic rock drainage condtion and marine condition.
1. 项目名称 (Project name):WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science, and Technology) program.
学生 (Student): Jasica Lui and Sophia Danesik (2018.7.4-2018.8.19).
科研课题 (Research project): The Cd adsorption capacity onto clay minerals under river condition and marine condition.
30. Yan H., Pi D.H., Jiang S.Y., Mao J., Xu L., Yang X., Hao W., Mand K., Li L., Konhauser K.O., Robbins L.J., 2022. Minerals paragenesis in Paleozoic manganese ore deposits: Depositional versus post-depositional formation processes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 325: 65-86.
29. Hao W*., Chen N., Sun W., Mand K., Kirsimae K., Teitler Y., Somelar P., Robbins L.J., Babechuk M.G., Planavsky N.J., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O., 2022. Chromium (III) and clay minerals: binding, transport, and implications for the geochemical cycling of Cr(III). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584: 117503.
28. Zhang Y., Alessi D.S., Chen N., Luo M., Hao W., Alam M.S., Flynn S.L., Kenney J.P.L., Konhauser K.O., Ok Y.S., Al-Tabbaa A., 2021. Lead (Pb) sorption to hydrophobic and hydrophilic zeolites in the presence and absence of MTBE. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 420: 126528.
27. Shao X., Hao W., Konhauser K.O., Gao Y., Tang L., Su M., Li Z., 2021. The dissolution of fluorapatite by phosphate-solubilizing fungi: a balance between enhanced phosphorous supply and fluorine toxicity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 69393-69400.
26. Hao W*., Mand, K., Li, Y., Alessi, D.S., Somelar P., Moussavou M., Romashkin A.E., Lepland A., Kirsimae K., Planavsky N.J., Konhauser K.O., 2021. The kaolinite shuttle links the Great Oxidation Event and Lomagundi events. Nature Communications, 12: 2944.
25. Hao W*., Mand, K., Swaren L., Myers K.D., Lalonde S., Wilmeth D.T., Van Zuilen M., Wilson S.A., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O., 2021. Trace elemental partitioning on clays derived from hydrothermal muds of the EI Tatio Geyser Field, Chile. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 5: e2020JB021422.
24. Liu Y., Zhou Q., Wang Y., Cheng S., Hao W., 2021. Deriving soil quality criteria of chromium based on species sensitivity distribution methodology. Toxics, 9: 58.
23. Liu Y., Xu W., Wang Y., Hao W., Zhou Q., Liu J., 2021. Growth responses and accumulation characteristics of three ornamental plants to Sn contamination in soil. Agriculture, 11: 205.
22. Swaren L., Hao W., Melnyk S., Baker D., Li Y., Owttrim G.W., Zeng H., Gingras M.K., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O., 2021. Surface reactivity of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803-Implication for trace metals transport to the oceans. Chemical Geology, 562: 120045.
21. Swaren L., Hao W., von Guten K., Wilson S.A., Alessi D.S., Planavsky N., Tarhan L., Gingras M.K., Konhauser K.O., 2021. The influence of invertebrate faecal material on compositional heterogeneity, diagenesis and trace metal distribution in the Ogeechee River estuary, Georgia, USA. Sedimentology, 68: 788-804.
20. Tong X., Wang C., Peng Z., Li Y., Hao W., Mand K., Robbins L.J., Zhang L., Ke Q., Zhai M., Konhauser K.O., 2021. Depositional and environmental constraints on the late Neoarchean Dagushan deposit (Anshan-Benxi area, North China Craton): An Algoma-type banded iron formation. Economic Geology, 116: 1575-1597.
19. Slagter S., Tarhan L.G., Hao W., Planavsky N.J., Konhauser K.O., 2021. Experimental evidence supports early silica cementation of the Ediacara Biota. Geology, 49: 51-55.
18. Zhang Y., Alessi D.S., Chen N., Luo M., Hao W., Alam M.S., Konhauser K.O., Ok Y.S., Al-Tabbaa A., 2020. Spectroscopic and modeling investigation of sorption of Pb(II) to ZSM-5 zeolites. ACS ES&T Water, 1: 108-116.
17. Yan H., Pi D., Jiang S.Y., Hao W., Cui H., Robbins L.J., Mand K., Li L., Planavsky N.J., Konhauser K.O., 2020. Hydrothermally induced 34S enrichment in pytite as an alternative explanation of the Late-Devonian sulfur isotope excursion in South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 283: 1-21.
16. Hao W*., Kashiwabara, T., Takahashi, Y., Gingras, M., Alessi, D.S., Konhauser, K.O., 2020. Transport of Cd by clay minerals in estuarine-marine transition. Scientific Reports, 10: 10417.
15. Yan H., Pi D., Jiang S.Y., Hao W., Mand K., Robbins L.J., Li L., Konhauser K.O., 2020. New constraints on the onset age of the Emeishan LIP volcanism and implications for the Guadalupian mass extinction. Lithos, 360: 105441
14. Konhauser K.O., Hao W., Li Y., von Gunten K., Bishop B.A., Alessi D.S., Tarhan L.G., O’Connel B., Robbins L.J., Planavsky N.J., Gingras M.K., 2020. Diopatra cuprea worm burrow parchment: a cautionary tale of infaunal surface reactivity. Lethaia, 53: 47-61.
13. Xie G., Liu S., Xia G., Hao W., 2019. Mineralogy and geochemical investigation of Cambrian and Ordovician–Silurian shales in South China: Implication for potential environment pollutions. Geological Journal, 55: 477-500.
12. Hao W*., Flynn S.L., Kashiwabara T., Alam M.S., Bandara S., Swaren L., Robbins L.J., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O., 2019. The impact of ionic strength on the proton reactivity of clay minerals. Chemical Geology, 529: 119294.
11. Yee, R.A., Alessi, D.S., Ashbolt, N.J., Hao, W., Konhauser, K.O., Liu, Y., 2019. Nutrient recovery from source-diverted blackwater: Optimization for enhanced recovery and reduced Co-Precipitation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235: 417-425.
10. Hao W*., Pudasainee D., Gupta R., Kashiwabara T., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O., 2019. Effect of acidic conditions on surface properties and metal binding capacity of clay minerals. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 3: 2421-2429.
9. Yue T., Hu Y., Alessi D., Konhauser K.O., Hao W., Sun W., Xu Z., 2018. Mechanism of goethite precipitation on magnetite and maghemite nanoparticles studied by surface complexation/precipitation modeling. Langmuir, 35: 15134-15142.
8. Hao W*., Flynn S.L., Alessi D.S, Konhauser K.O., 2018. Change of the point of zero net proton charge (pHPZNPC) of clay minerals with ionic strength. Chemical Geology, 493: 458-467.
7. Liu Y., Alessi D.S., Flynn S.L, Alam. M.S., Hao W., Gingras M., Zhao H., Konhauser K.O., 2018. Acid-base properties of kaolinite, montmorillonite and illite at marine ionic strength. Chemical Geology, 483: 191-200.
6. Xie G., Shen Y., Liu S., Hao W., 2018. Trace and rare earth element (REE) characteristics of mudstones from Eocene Pinghu Formation and Oligocene Huagang Formation in Xihu Sag, East China Sea Basin: Implications for provenance, depositional conditions and paleoclimate. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92: 20-36.
5. von Gunten K., Warchola T., Donner M.W, Cossio M., Hao W., Boothman C., Lloyd J., Siddique T., Partin C.A, Flynn S.L., Rosaasen A., Konhauser K.O., Alessi D.S., 2018. Biogeochemistry of U, Ni, and As in two meromictic pit lakes at the Cluff Lake uranium mine, northern Saskatchewan. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55: 463-474.
4. Wang W., Sang S., Hao W., Wang R., Zhang J., Duan P., Qin Y., Xu S., 2015. A cut-off grade for gold and gallium in coal. Fuel, 147: 62-66.
3. Wang W., Hao W.*, Xu S., Qian F., Sang S., Qin Y., 2014. Ash limitation of physical coal beneficiation for medium-high ash coal—a geochemistry perspective. Fuel, 135: 83-90.
2. Wang W., Hao W.*, Bian Z., Lei S., Wang X., Sang S., Xu S., 2014. Effect of coal mining activities on the environment of Tetraena Mongolica in Wuhai, Inner Mongolia, China - a geochemical perspective. International Journal of Coal Geology, 132: 94-102.
1. Wang W., Qin Y., Qian F., Ye L., Hao W., Yuan L., Jin F., 2014. Partitioning of elements from coal by different solvents extraction. Fuel, 125: 73-80.
2022年加拿大光源科研项目(36G12651):Investigating the molecular structure of vanadium adsorption onto clay minerals。获批机时96小时。
2019 Canadian Light Source: CLS Graduate Student/Postdoc travel grant (Principal Applicant)
2019 University of Alberta: University of Alberta Graduate Fellowship
2018 University of Alberta: Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers Graduate Scholarship in Geology
2018 University of Alberta: Christina Goh Graduate Scholarship in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
2018 University of Alberta: The Robert Cuthbertson Award in Geology
11. Goldschmidt 2022. Abstract: Thermodynamic and molecular study of vanadium adsorption onto clay mineral surfaces.
Author list: Hao W., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O.
10. GAC-MAC 2022. Abstract: Binding and transportation of Cr(III) by clay minerals during the Great Oxidation Event.
Author list: Hao W., Chen N., Sun W., Mand K., Kirsimae K., Teitler Y., Somelar P., Robbins L.J., Babechuk M.G., Planavsky N.J., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O.
9. Goldschmidt 2019. Abstract: Acid weathering, clay transport and enhanced phosphate supply to early Paleoproterozoic oceans following the Great Oxidation Event.
Author list: Konhauser K.O., Hao W., Alessi D.
8. Geobiology 2019: 2nd Geobiology Society Conference. Poster: Acid weathering, clay transport and enhanced phosphate supply to early Paleoproterozoic oceans following the Great Oxidation Event. Banff, Canada, 2019.6.9-13.
Author list: Hao W., Lepland A., Kirsimae K., Li Y., Mand K., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O.
7. Water Innovation Lab. H2O global leadership training workshop. Queen’s University Biological Station, Canada. 2018.9.11-21.
6. American Chemical Society. Poster: Impact of biochar amendent on trace metals speciation in agricultural soils.
Author list: Alessi D., Alam M.S., Cossio M., Bishop B., Hao W., Swaren L., Sniher K., Warchola T., von Gunten K., Flynn S., Sik Ok Y., Konhauer K.O.
5. American Chemical Society. Poster: Geochemical cycling and long-term stability of uranium, nickel and arsenic at the Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan uranium mine.
Author list: von Gunten K., Warchola T., Donner M., Hao W., Cossio M., Boothman C., Lloyd J., Blanchard P., Siddique T., Konhauser K.O., Alessi D.
4. The 4th International Conference of Geobiology - Rocks, life and climate. Poster: The relationship between ionic strength and proton adsorption behavior of clay minerals: titration of kaolinite, Montmorillonite and illite. Wuhan, China. 2017.6.24-26.
Author list: Hao W., Flynn S.L., Kashiwabara T., Alam M.S., Bandara S., Swaren L., Robbins L.J., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O.
3. Geobiology 2017: 1st Geobiology Society Conference. Poster: The relationship between ionic strength and proton adsorption behavior of clay minerals: titration of kaolinite, Montmorillonite and illite. Banff, Canada. 2017.6.11-14.
Author list: Hao W., Flynn S.L., Kashiwabara T., Alam M.S., Bandara S., Swaren L., Robbins L.J., Alessi D.S., Konhauser K.O.
2. 2014 GSA Annual Meeting. Poster: Calcium oxalate in coal. Vouncover, Canada. 2014.10.
Author list: Wang W., Hao W., Sang S., Li J.
1. The 12th International Mine Water Association Conference. Poster: The element geochemistry of coal mine drainage pollution in coal mine from northern Jiangsu province. Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. 2014. 8.18-22.
Author list: Hao W., Wang W., Qin Y.